Positive Thinking!

Positive Thinking!

Give yourself positive affirmations everyday, repeat them to yourself while infront of the mirror. Yes, this may seem like a mountain to climb but very quickly you’re doing it without realizing it- and it feels GREAT, I must add.

You will get nowhere in life being a sour, miserable and negative blob, and furthermore, why would anyone want to torture themselves about something they cannot change?
This is YOU, the beautifully perfect being that God has uniquely created! Love yourself or else no one else will…

My Once Upon A Time

I am longing for you my once upon a time,

dream come true.

Where are you now, are you with someone new?


I cannot comprehend the reasons of why you had to go.

Whenever i think of you, time moves so slow.

We were together once upon a time, to help each other grow.

Oh, my Nicky- where did you go?


My heart yearns for your love, your integrity and care.

I love you so much but you just dont seem to care…


Only God knows the plan for us and I hand my will over to Him.

But letting go of you is something i just cant do.

How you managed to walk away despite knowing everything i was going through, I will never know or understand.

Sometimes I wonder if it was all planned?!…


“I am broken but at the same time, I have been set free.

My heart has opened wider to true love that I can see.

The broken won’t remain there for the rest of eternity.

I have something special now that no other could replace,

I’m never letting go of this wonderful grace.


My heart is warm, my soul is complete with a man so special,

I will forever keep.

Gone are the days of emotional strain it seems as though,

It has been washed away by the glorious rain.

I will not be like her, I will not be vain.


I cry no longer although there is still heavy pain.

My new life has begun and I will not run,

I will build a solid foundation, with hardships,

There is none.

My new life has begun, I now look to the sun.


Join me in my journey oh my special dream,

You have come so heaven sent,

Thank you for being a real gent.

My heart skips a beat whenever you are near,

I love you so much my crazy/beautiful dear.

Stay with me forever more, in my dreams,

In my fantasies.


We blend together so perfect,

Like a pod of two peas.

Gather our mystical magic,

And plant it together,

We will create a picture perfect of forever.”

~Niquita Greyling